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Science,迷信 25 AUG 2023, VOL 381, ISSUE 6660
《迷信》2023年8月25日 ,第381卷,出书6660期
Picoflare jets power the solar wind emerging from a coronal hole on the Sun
▲ 作者:L. P. Chitta, A. N. Zhukov, D. Berghmans, H. Peter, S. Parenti, S. Mandal, et al.
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▲ 摘要 :
钻研组用太阳轨道航天器上的出书极紫外成像仪审核到了一个日冕洞,并发现了多少百公里尺度的周论喷流 ,不断20到100秒 ,文导速率抵达每一秒约100公里。迷信这些喷流由磁重联驱动 ,出书动能在“皮级耀斑”规模内 。周论喷流是文导间歇性的 ,但在审核到的迷信日冕洞内扩散普遍。
钻研组以为 ,出书这种皮级耀斑喷流可能发生饶富的周论高温等离子体来坚持太阳风 ,而且太阳风从日冕洞中以小尺度高度间歇性的流出方式泛起。
▲ Abstract:
Coronal holes are areas on the Sun with open magnetic field lines. They are a source region of the solar wind, but how the wind emerges from coronal holes is not known. We observed a coronal hole using the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager on the Solar Orbiter spacecraft. We identified jets on scales of a few hundred kilometers, which last 20 to 100 seconds and reach speeds of ~100 kilometers per second. The jets are powered by magnetic reconnection and have kinetic energy in the picoflare range. They are intermittent but widespread within the observed coronal hole. We suggest that such picoflare jets could produce enough high-temperature plasma to sustain the solar wind and that the wind emerges from coronal holes as a highly intermittent outflow at small scales.
质料迷信Materials Science
Pneumatic cells toward absolute Gaussian morphing
▲ 作者:Tian Gao, José Bico & Beno?t Roman
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